Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chemo Brain

OK, I now know I officially have chemo brain. I was at school today to pick some things up from my old classroom and stopped over in the Sped office to say hi to my colleagues. One of them asked what street I lived on in my development and I replied 'Meadow Drive'. She looked confused and I thought - that doesn't sound right. Now, let me explain. I haven't lived on Meadow Drive since Mark and I were first married 27 years ago! Yes, we lived there 7 years, but that is still 20 years since I lived there! Sheese! Up until this moment I hadn't felt like my treatments were bothering my memory too much. Now I know better.

As I said, I went to school to grab a few things I had left there (to get them out of Melanie's way). It was great seeing Melanie and I got to meet her new co-teacher and two new paras. I also got to see a number of the sped staff and to view my dept. head, Michelle's, wedding pictures (she was a beautiful bride). It felt funny waltzing in and out without worrying about all the normal beginning of the year stuff.

My mom had been waiting to hear from her orthopedic surgeon's assistant to set up her knee operation. The assistant had been on vacation the last week. She called Mom today to tell her the doctor has decided to not do her operation..... Say, What? I called the assistant to hear it for myself. She said the doctor didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery because of all her many health issues. Again - Say, What? He had her prepped and ready for surgery two months ago but backed out because of the skin infection. Her health hasn't changed in these two months. I asked what she was suppose to do - she was in pain, she had an infection..... I asked to have the doctor call me, and she said she would give him the message, but she didn't think he would call me. WHAT? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She suggested I write a letter to him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So now, we are back to square one, and Mom thinks no one else here will touch her if this doc won't (he is suppose to be 'the best' in this area). Sigh.

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad you stopped by today. I really miss you a lot and your smile brightened my day.

I can't thank you enough for all of the teacher stuff, decorations, desk chair, and on and on and on in that room. I'm like a veteran teacher, with all of my school bling. (Teachers are so pleased with the strangest things, yeah?)

Sorry about your mom, I will whisper a prayer for her tonight. I can see where you get your strength and determination.