Thursday, August 9, 2007

Quick Blog

Just a quick blog to let you know all is well. I have had a busy day and am also busy this evening.

Mary, Diane and I went to Greenwood today to pick up Bakers candies for our PEO tea - which is the end of the month. One of our members, Pam, is going to be the state president. Quite an honor and quite a big job! Anyway, after Greenwood we went to Ashland to eat lunch and visit some of their cute shops. My favorite shop in Ashland is Willow Point, which is Nebraska artist Gene Roncka's art gallery. He is Mark's favorite artist - and one of mine. We own lots of his prints (can't afford the originals).

Oreo, our cat, has the runs, again. I called the vet's office and a tech suggested I try giving her a teaspoon of Peptobismol before getting an antibiotic prescription again. So off I trotted to the store to purchase the pink yucky stuff and an eye dropper. Guess what? Oreo didn't much care for the Pepto - and the scratches on my hand prove it. I barely got 1/4 a teaspoon into her when she escaped and shook pink Pepto all over my kitchen. Nice. I will be getting antibiotics for her tomorrow.

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

That strikes me as funny, giving a kitty Pepto. It's like when we have to give our dog Benadryl. Just doesn't quite seem right!

People keep ask me if you are keeping busy...I tell them YES! Seems like you're always busy with some organization or another. And then I say [rather tongue in cheek] that I can't exactly picture you lounging in your jammiese much, and they agree. It just wouldn't be you. :-)

I know the artist of which you speak, his gallery is awesome and my mom did a wall of his prints in her family room after we took a trip to Ashland once. She said they reminded her of her childhood.