Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Emergency Room

It has been a crazy day. My mother in law, Carolyn, is in the hospital. Poor thing has been miserable for days and it took two trips to the emergency room today to get them to do anything. She may have to have surgery tonight - waiting to hear. I had gone in with her to the emergency the first time, but when a gal came in coughing a hacking a light bulb went off in my slow brain and I realized an emergency room probably isn't where a girl with no immune system belonged. So I had to leave her there. They gave her a shot for pain and sent some medicine home, but the pain just got worse, so it was back to emergency. Again I had to leave her at the door. They ended up admitting her, but the last I spoke with her she was still in the emergency room waiting for an open room. I know she would appreciate prayers. Mark is up there now, and will stay if they decide to operate tonight.

I have been achy all day - and just out of sorts. Food has no appeal and I have been having to force food down. Yuck! I know that Neulasta shot is good for me (it will restore my immune system) but I DO hate the way it makes me feel. So between not feeling well and helping Carolyn I did not make it to my bible study tonight. The good news is that I should feel pretty darn good for next week's class!

My mom has an appointment next week with a new surgeon to see if she can get her knee fixed. More prayers, please!

Sorry this is a very uplifting post. Some days are like that.


JustAnotherDay said...

all my prayers for you, carolyn, and dorthy!



Di said...

What a rough day for your family. I will be so anxious to hear about Carolyn. Hopefully they can figure out the cause of the pain and give her some relief. You my dear need to rest. Praying for all of you. hugs, di

Midwest Beach Girl said...

Keep us updated! I will pray for you all!