Thursday, March 29, 2007

Almost All Clear

I heard from my cardiologist's nurse that my Ecco Cardiogram was normal. Praise God! My cardiologist wants me to go in tomorrow afternoon to have lab work drawn to check my enzymes. Now, as I recall, they check enzyme levels when they think you have had a heart attack, so I assume that is what the electro cardiogram showed and what Dr. Gangahar was looking for - but again - I am just assuming. Yesterday, the ecco tech said that electrocardiograms weren't always reliable, so I am praying that it was a faulty reading. I would appreciate continued prayers to this effect. Thanks to all who continue to be so faithful being my prayer warriors. You are wonderful.
The phone call from my doc came shortly after my friend, Lynne, left my house. She had been over for lunch. She had suggested we go out to lunch, but I had been out so much this week, I decided it would be nice to stay home. This way I could control the salt intake - so hard to do when eating out. Plus, tonight we are going out with our friends, the Bensons and the O'Connors, so knew I was going to get my share of sodium! Such silly things I have to think about now days. Don't ever take simple pleasures for granted!


Diane Muir said...

The simple things in life ... a happy dog when I walk in the back door, a husband's new scratchy mustache, dinner with friends, and today ... Friday and fresh bagels. There was a day a long time ago that I realized how unimportant so many things are ... only love ... that's all. And the rest? Are things to enjoy.

Continued prayers for a healthy heart, pretty hats, and strength for you and for your family!

Di said...

Dearest Jacque,
I have to tell you how beautiful you looked last night in your blue jacket and cool earrings. Of course your wig just made it all come together. You were the most gorgeous lady in the entire room!!!

We will be praying for good news from your test. Hugs, Di

joanie skar said...

You are a real inspiration to me-you have so much faith-you are awesome!!Your faith will move mountains!!Enjoy Palm Sunday and our prayers are with you, your family and those on your prayer list. Love ya, Al and Joanie