Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MIracles Do Happen

Do you believe in miracles? I certainly do, and I have even experienced some in my lifetime. Now, I am not sure this will qualify as a miracle - because there isn't hard evidence yet, but at least it is a start of one.
I had an appointment with my cardiologist today for her to go over my tests and meds, as she was out of town last Thursday and Friday when I had my stress test, was told I had had a heart attack by her associates, and was released from the hospital. She pulled all the reports of tests etc. and after studying them said something to the effect that "There is no conclusive evidence that you had a heart attack. From looking at these tests, and based on all your body had been put through, I would tend to believe that your heart was just over stressed and needs time to regain it's strength." She mentioned something about breast tissue pushing against the heart and obstructing the view - which made no sense to me, but I was happy there is a chance it was not a heart attack. Now, you could argue that this would have happened regardless of anything that others might do on my behalf. But, I believe that all the prayers that have been sent up to God by all of you wonderful people, along with His desire to see me healthy again, had every thing to do with this. Yes, I know that I could still find out that yes, it was a heart attack. But how comforting for me to go into tomorrow's surgery and subsequent chemo treatment on Thursday, believing that miracles do happen.
Thank you, God.


Patty Stone said...

I'll be thinking about and praying for you today. Getting a port is pretty simple and certainly worth it! The heart news is really encouraging.

Di said...

What beautiful news from your heart Dr. Prayer can do wonderful things. You have an army praying for you, so look out girl......you have many miracles still ahead to enjoy!!!!

Rest after your port surgery. See you soon. Hopefully you have that list I was asking for........sorry to be a pest. We all just want to do what you want done. Simple as that. Please ask. You know I am one of those weird ones that even like to clean and iron.
Hugs, Di

Kaitlin said...

Good luck today! I will be thinking and praying for you! You are such an amazing and strong lady that can truly get through anything.
Love you TONS!!
P.S. It's true my Mom does like to clean and iron. She even irons all of my clothes before I go on a trip. I try to tell her they are just going to get wrinkled once I put them in my suitcase but she doesn't listen. =)