Friday, March 2, 2007

It Is Always Something

Dr. T came in and decided he couldn't do the lung tap. The fact that the fluid was thickened caused him decide to keep me on the IV steroids and to add in an IV antibiotic. If it has thinned by Sunday, he will tap it. If it hasn't he will put in a chest tube. I wanted to tell him to just do the tube and be done with it (I know Murphy's Law), but then I remembered the air bubble caused by the last one and decided to hold my tongue.
Dr. T also wants the cardiologist to consider dropping one of my meds that can cause shortness of breath, as he doesn't think I should be so short of breath since I have one good lung, and this would be a logical explanation. Of course, my cardio's associate was just here and doesn't think the dose I am on of that med would cause this problem. I told her that I am so hyper sensitive to medications, it wouldn't surprise me. She called my cardio and she is going to stop by to discuss all this.
So, here I sit, in my home away from home. I know this is a good place to be - I should make that my mantra. Maybe eventually I would believe it. :-)


Melanie D. said...

Hi ya. I've been thinking of you all day and had to check in again to see if you'd updated. I hope that you have a restful weekend and hang in there. I know you would say there's nothing, but please call me if there's ANYTHING I can do.

joanie skar said...

Hi Jacque:
We can not imagine what you are going through. Just know that you are in our prayers and if there is anything we can do please let us know. God bless, Our love to you and Mark.
Love and Prayers
Al and Joanie

Diane Muir said...

I'm only going to say this very quietly (shhhh), but be VERY thankful for the hospital that you are in. We just experienced the other side! {hehe} So, if there is one that has to be a second home ... you've got one of the best. And you know what? It occurs to me that I shouldn't have to be an expert on local hospitals! {laughter}

I'm so sorry that you are there at all, though! Love you!