Tuesday, March 20, 2007

There Is A Light!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel! I woke up today with minimal leg pain and much of the weakness gone. Yea! I still have some numbness in my fingers, but it is very little and doesn't effect me. I still have aches and pains, but nothing I can't handle. I actually slept from 8:30 p.m. last night until 5:00 a.m. this morning (without any pain killers) and then napped in my chair this morning. I have spent the rest of the morning tidying the house in preparation of The Maids, who will be here early afternoon and doing some laundry.
I am torturing myself, as I put on a Krista roast this morning, and the smell is driving me insane. I had to change up the recipe to match my low salt diet, so hopefully it will still taste as good as it smells. I can't wait for supper! Mmmmm...
I didn't make it to Mary's last night for supper. After a trip in the afternoon for a blood test and a short shopping trip to Walgreen's I was beat and could tell I wouldn't make good company. I didn't even bother asking God for intervention. I realize that I am just going to have to remember that this first week after my chemo I am going to have to relax and just allow myself to rest. No plans, no going out - just rest. Help me remember this, OK?
For all my prayer warriors out there, I have some specific requests for this week. 1.) That my blood counts are good on Thursday - so I won't have to worry about infections. 2.) That I get a good report from Dr. Thommi, my pulmonologist, on Friday (2 week check after getting out of the hospital) and that my lungs are healing and the fluid is subsiding. 3.) That my ecco cardiogram Friday afternoon shows that the fluid remains off my heart and that my blood flow has increased - hopefully showing no heart attack. 4.) That the chemo is killing off the beast, but not permanently damaging the rest of my body.
Thank you everyone!


Anonymous said...

You're a fighter..Keep on! Rosebud

Lori Larsen said...

You were mentioning good books. I am sure you know this, but just in case. I am a big fan of the Omaha Public Library. You look for books on line and request them. They will hold them for you. The also have a great selection of books on tape that are good to listen to when you just can't hold a book and keep your eyes open. I would be happy to pick up / and return books for you - if you would like. Also - do you have Netflix? Some good books I have read lately, The Glass Castle, A Light in the Window, Peace like a River. (Both Glass Castle and Peace like a River have great audio tapes at the library )

Enjoy your evening and your good meal.

cko said...

Jacque: I've been wanting to get over and see you, but I'll wait a couple more days 'til you're feeling more prepared to give me the Heartwarmers "colors never shout" spiel! =) I'm SO glad you're feeling better. Are you already booked for this weekend? Kaitlin and I are needing our Jacque fix -- can I bring you some Paradise soup? (I'm making a request that they name that flavor after you!) See you soon -- luv court

Unknown said...

Hope today is finding you feeling just a little better than yesterday and that tomorrow will be even better.

Thank you fro the information on your wants and needs. That is wonderful of you to open up like that and a great help to us. We so want to be there for you in the right way!

I am planning to come visit you over spring break. I would love to take you out for lunch if you want to go or just stop by and visit.

I have tons of books and will bring some to share!

The prom plans continue to go well.