Monday, March 5, 2007

God is Good

God is good. I have felt joyful ever since waking up from surgery. The song, 'Lord I Lift Your Name On High' kept going through my head. The surgery is over, and it was a success. The surgeon drained 600 ccs (3/5ths of a liter) from my heart lining, made a hole in my diaphragm for future drainage, and stitched me up. I have approximately a 5" incision towards the bottom of my sternum going up and down. The doctor said there were areas the fluid was compressing my heart - not allowing it to pump properly. It hasn't been too uncomfortable with the use of pain pills.
My breathing is so much better, I can't believe it. Just sitting here I can tell the difference. I was able to eat my left over steak salad that Mark treated me to last night from Outback Steakhouse and still have room for a little soup and applesauce off my lunch tray and a couple of bites of cake my friend Joan brought by last night. Eating this much wouldn't have been possible before the surgery - four bites and I would have been full. I assume the fluid from the heart was pushing on my stomach, giving me my own version of a stomach clamp. This morning I was retaining a lot of water (my feet were puffy and my toes were like little sausages). My friend, Bonnie, who works on the heart diagnostic and rehab floor here, stopped by and explained that since my heart wasn't able to pump fluids out, it just was remaining in my system. Hopefully the 14 pounds I packed on in the last two weeks eating next to nothing will disappear rapidly! Hey, maybe I will even have lost some weight! A girl can dream!
My prayer warrior family and friends - I need your help. What caused this fluid build up is in question. It has a strong possibility of being cancer. If it is, my treatments will change to chemo. I also know that there is a possibility that it is not cancer. I am prepared - as much as I can be - for either way. I have done chemo before and I can do it again. Please ask for God's guidance for the tests, the doctors, for His healing grace and for strength for myself and my family. Either way, God is GOOD!


Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad to see that you are up and blogging! And reading how good and "up" you feel is so comforting to me. Here you are, comforting me again! I will see you soon - keep us up on all the news. I hope that whatever the tests say, they lead to paths of healing and comfort for you. Thanks for being so strong!

Dee Sturgeon said...

I received the update from Mark prior to reading your blog, my prayers are with you and your family and please know if there is anything, ANYTHING I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Not too keen on cleaning toilets, but I will!!!!! Take care and keep up the faith and courage as you continue your battle with this demon! Love, Dee

Joan said...

God is good - obviously He has hear the millions of prayers on your behalf. Your struggles and overwhelming faith and courage are an inspiration to us all!!

Di said...

Dear Jacque,
I was so distracted today knowing you were having the surgery I could hardly stand it. It sounds like things went very well and hopefully will allow you to be so much more comfortable. Sounds like you are going to be dropping some major fluid weight very soon!!!

You are an inspiration to us all Jacque. You learn so much about a person watching them go through the tough times. Of course, I knew it all along, you are one amazing lady and we love you to pieces.
Hugs, di

Joyce said...

Thank you Lord, for your fast recovery from todays surgury and for your strength. I always knew how strong your were/are so that doesn't surprise me. Give Mark a hug for me and tell him to keep me informed if you aren't able to "blog". What did we do prior to the internet?...guess the phone lines would have been burning up between AZ & NE. LOVE JOyce & Sam

Krista said...

I am so glad to hear that your surgery went so well and now you will be sleek, trim, and racy from the loss of the excess fluid! Gee, can I borrow your surgeon?
My sister in law was having surgery at the same time as you but hers was a colonoscopy and I have not heard from her yet. Ick!
How wonderful that you can tell the difference already from the procedure! Medicine and faith!
What a wonderful combination!
Thinking of you daily.

kristy said...

Jacque, I am so happy to hear that things went well for you today. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kristy Seitz

Diane Muir said...

Well, praise the Lord! I am so thankful for surgeons that spend their lives learning how to be God's hands - and they don't even know it!

And I will be praying that you can receive quick answers to what ails ya! Oh, God loves you so much. Tonight I taught on hearing the voice of God ... I will pray that you can hear that voice - resounding throughout the chaos and worry.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud that I've finally figured out how to post my comments! I'm so very happy to hear that you're feeling better after yesterday's procedure. We all continue to pray that this works and you continue to heal. I know God's keeping you in his loving arms each day. I'll check in to see if you're up to visitors yet. Love, Donna