Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rainy But Warm

It looks like it should be cold out. It is rather gloomy, with a fine mist falling now and then. I went to the grocery store, and was amazed at how balmy it was. I had to take my light jacket off, as it was too warm!
I am feeling better each day. I had another early wake up (2:30) so cruised the Internet for a bit and then slept awhile in my chair. I got up at 5:30 and cleaned out the pantry cupboard - it felt good to accomplish something!
At the grocery store I searched for low salt/no salt products. There were quite a few, so I will try them as time goes by. One that I am a little leery of is the no salt ketchup. I don't know.....
I don't want to jinx myself, but I haven't had an atrial fib episode since the pericardial window was put in my heart sac. I am hoping that procedure, and my low salt diet, did the trick and I am able to stay off the rhythm medicine I was on. That medicine does not react well with the chemo I am on - plus increases my shortness of breath. I accidentally forgot to take it starting last week (I know, this is a bad pattern - it got hidden behind a basket and I missed it!) - and I am non the worse for the wear, so keep your fingers crossed! I haven't had the nod from my cardiologist that this is OK, so we will see what she says. I asked her nurse on Monday if I could continue to be off of it, and they haven't called, so I am pretending it is just fine. Maybe even add this hope to the prayer list! :-)
Tomorrow I have to go have my blood test to check my counts. If they are OK, and I feel well, I plan on meeting my class at Wheatfield's Restaurant for brunch. They are going there for a Career Exploration, and then to eat, as it is a testing day for the rest of the school. I haven't seen my students since announcing my 'retirement' so it will be great to actually have a chance to visit with them.
My hair is hanging in there. I expected it to be gone today, but it would be nice if it hung in one more day so my students could see me as they remember. Of course - it is shaggy and in great need of coloring - but it is still my own! My wig was back ordered and expected to be in tomorrow. If it get's back ordered again I will have to see if I can find one someplace else! It's not that I wear it all that much. As I said, I am more of a hat person, but it is nice to have for going out, etc.
Have a great rest of the day!


Melanie D. said...

It will be fun to have the gang back together again. (Imagine the music from the end of Grease now - "We go together like ram-a-lam-a-lam-a-da-dingy-da-ding-de-dong") I'm praying that everyone will stay healthy and be there.

I'll spare you any hugs and maybe not even sit by you since my head is achy and clogged today. I've either caught the bug Mason had or spring allergies are rearing their ugly head.

I'm praying that you are able to meet us tomorrow - it will be such a treat to share a meal together. I'll talk to you in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear you're feeling better each day and will be praying for good reports tomorrow and Friday. Hang in there!

I'll check in next week to see if you feel up to meeting for breakfast or lunch. I have a few more books if you're ready for more.

Love, Donna

Krista said...

Once again, I had to get caught up with your progress. I've spent a ton of time at Methodist with Joni as she is trying to hold on to the twins one more week before delivering them. She is doing great!
I will drop off a "repeat" bag on your porch tomorrow so check every once in awhile. I hate to be un original but if it "ain't broke, don't fix it".
Want to come and clean out my pantry? I'll hire you to do that if you are looking for something to do!

Cheryl said...

Jacque, I'm geared up and ready to go with the frame sales tonight, so don't fret.

Hope you were able to get to see the kids, I know I will hear all about it tonight.

I continue to pray for you. And if you need errands run you need to just ask. Happy to help. You may also be interested in logging onto the library's website...and if you find books you want you can reserve them and I'll go get them and bring them to you. It's a graet site.

Diane Muir said...

You cleaned out your pantry at 5:30 am? Girlfriend ... that's just nuts! But, ok ... yea!