Thursday, March 1, 2007

Snow Cancelation

I am blue. My pulmonologist called today and cancelled my appointment to have my lung drained this afternoon. I nearly cried on the phone. I understand - we are getting quite a blizzard here - but that doesn't mean I had even an ounce of compassion for the nurse making the call. I am miserable. She said I could go to the emergency room - but I asked if Dr. Thommi would be there and she said 'No, but the emergency doctor would be.' Just what I want, someone with no expertise trying to drain a lung that the specialist couldn't do. So, tomorrow morning it will be. This means another sleepless night in my chair (yes, it is the comfy one, but a bed would be so much nicer but I can't breathe when I lay down.)
I finally gave some thought to the nausea I have been experiencing since Monday and decided my body was trying to come down with c-diff again - where antibiotics kill off the 'good flora' in your gut. I was taking antibiotics up until Sunday for a bladder infection, then was restarted on Tuesday. I have been faithfully eating two to three yogurts a day - to keep the c-diff at bay, but I think the antibiotics were just too much. I quit taking the pills this morning, and I am feeling somewhat better. I have managed to keep down some soup and crackers - and am considering something a little more substantial for lunch. I have a question. After being sick do you crave the least likely thing you should want? Today it is spaghetti. Sometimes, in the past, it was tacos or pizza. I don't quite understand this little quirk of mine - but it is almost always this way. Very odd - but maybe it has something to do with not eating for three and a half days.
My friend/coworker/fellow church member sent me the following email. It made me cry:
"I know you didn't want a bunch of people fussing over you, but I did update everyone at choir tonight. Doug (our head pastor) and Jenny (worship and music director) came in to just see how things were going, and after we had talked for awhile, Gene (choir director) asked Doug for a prayer specifically for you. We all joined hands, and we sent everything we could your way. I envy Doug's ability to put into prayer what everyone is feeling."
I do so appreciate all the prayers. When I become sick, like I have been this week, it is harder to keep a positive outlook. Messages like this help me remember to give it up and let God. Thanks.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about the cancelation of your lung-draining
:(. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

I thoroughly understand the strange cravings! When I have been sick I always crave spicy food! Things like really hot Mexican and spicy Thai food. Of course I know that it probably isn't a good idea, but it sure sounds good. To be honest, sometimes I eat it :). It tastes good and I haven't had any repercussions yet.

Hang in there-all of us our praying for you!

Melanie D. said...

Yes! When I've been puking all day - what do I want for supper? Mexican food! Or Indian food! Something spicy, greasy, and good. I don't know what that is.

I'm really sorry you're having a crappy time. Please have Mark get you to the hospital if it worsens, I worry about you toughing it out at home. You are one strong lady and an inspiration to me. You are taking this all in such stride. God will take note and lighten your load soon (a drained lung will certainly lighten that load in the AM!) My prayers to you!

Diane Muir said...

My sis called me this morning to make sure I wasn't going to try to go to work. Ummm ... nope, gonna enjoy the snow day at home. However, as much joy as I take in it, it certainly stinks that you can't get fixed up to breathe again. Sheesh!

Good luck with the spaghetti ... hopefully you can enjoy it and hold it!

Patty Stone said...

Of course what I usually want is chocolate and also a potato casserole from the Garden Cafe or wherever, loaded with onions!