Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sleepy St. Pats

Day three and so far so good! I am tired - I awoke at 1:00 last night and had trouble getting back to sleep - but no nausea, which is wonderful! If I can make it through tomorrow tummy ache free I will be in the clear, I hope.
I have spent my day trying to nap, but my body won't let me. This morning I attempted to doze in my chair with a warm afghan - but sleep wouldn't come. This afternoon I tried our darkened bedroom, and while it felt nice to snuggle down under the covers, I mostly read and rested. Maybe this is a good thing and I will sleep better tonight.
I can't get too excited about feeling fairly decent since I only had one of my chemo drugs this time. But, according to the material on the missing drug - nausea isn't one of the side effects. I do know that there can be an accumulative effect with the drugs, too, so guess I can't get too cocky, yet!
Mark and buddy Steve are at the classic car show at the Qwest this afternoon visiting Steve's Chevelle, and then they plan to find someplace to have a green beer or two before heading home. Mark would LOVE to have a classic car, but right now we have no place to store it - nor the extra cash to restore it. Someday, he will get it, though.

Diane and I are going to head out to supper since I am feeling pretty good. We are going to try The Tasting Room. I have been wanting to try it, so we thought tonight would be a good time. I can't 'taste' any of their wines, but I hear the food is good.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

1 comment:

Diane Muir said...

A Chevelle, eh? Goodness, I have another friend that restores those things. What a riot. Who knew when I was young that car would turn into a classic. I was just reading on wikipedia that the El Camino was part of the Chevelle line. Hmmm ... I have GOOD memories of the El Camino, and a boy and some back roads in Iowa (whoops, stop it, Diane! {hehe}). I'm glad you had a good day - and hope supper was great!