Friday, March 2, 2007

Who knew?

It is early in the morning (3:45). I can't sleep - but not for the normal 'hospital stay' reasons. I will get to that. I decided to send out this blog now as I know there are many who are worried about me, and I want to take some of the worry away.
You might remember that I was on prednisone for quite awhile, to help with the inflammation of the lung from the procedure I had. Last Friday, Dr. T upped my predinsone dosage from one a day, to back to two a day since I was having more breathing problems. This was the day before I ended up in the hospital, again, with my lung filled with fluid. On Saturday morning, I can't remember if I took my first pill or not - but I don't think I did. I wasn't feeling very well and was getting ready to go to the hospital. I made a list of all my medications - but forgot to write down the prednisone, as I keep it in the kitchen so I can take it with food/milk. Mistake!
While in the hospital on Sunday my lungs started getting, what I called, reactionary. It reminded me of how it feels when you are getting a cold/bronchitis - tickley and coughy. This directly effected (there is that word again) how I dealt with the lung tap on Sunday (remember how I couldn't stop coughing?)
Monday, right as they sent me home, I started feeling a little nauseous. Tuesday, I was a sick puppy and Thursday finds me back in the hospital.
Today, when the nurse from the hospital called Dr. T to get orders after I checked in, he wanted to know why predinsone wasn't on my list of meds - so he restarted it as an injection. Within a few hours I was feeling so much better, I couldn't believe it. My nausea was gone, my breathing became less labored and I started to feel hungry. Since the shot, I have had two cups of chicken noodle soup and a half of a sandwich. Not huge amounts - but tons more than I have eaten all week.
I went on line and looked up prednisone withdrawal and found the following: weakness: lethargy, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, arthralgias, myalgias (muscle pains). Who knew?
Why I am not sleeping (it is now 4:10 - had to deal with vital signs,etc.) is because prednisone interrupts sleep patterns - especially when it is injected - but I have to admit, I don't care. Just to know that I am on the mend - at least with the nausea, has been a Godsend. I will still report on the lung tap later - but I wanted everyone to know that I am feeling better and I'm feeling much more positive and hopeful. Whew! Thank you Lord!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord your doctor was alert to the lack of Prednisone!!!
I will be praying all day for you!!
Lori Nielsen

Unknown said...

Ditto to Lori's comments. Amazing what drugs do and do not do! Can't wait to hear that your procedure is over and you are on the mend!

Di said...

I can't tell you how many prayers I sent up last night. Every time I rolled over I thought of YOU and prayed for your complete healing. Hearing your voice this morning with its sparkle back just made me thank the Lord for his help. We know he is always at our side, I think he is carrying you today!!

Anxious to hear how the rest of your day goes. Of course you know you have so many friends with you all the way.

Love you dear friend,

Diane Muir said...

You know ... sickness induced 'diets' are a pain! (hehe). I'm so glad that you have a doctor that pays attention! I have also decided that a lack of sleep can be dealt with when you know that things are getting better. It's only short-term and sleep will return. Love you!

Melanie D. said...

Had to break my no-computer rule to read up on your progress. Many well-wishes to you that you have a restful weekend and are on your way back to better. Let everyone take care of you right now and gets lots of rest. I'll talk to you soon.

Joyce said...

I knew when I talked with you yesterday that you were "wimpier" than you should have been. I called Mark, Sue and John right away and told them to put more prayers up...Guess it must have worked. I don't care how it worked, just so you start feeling better. Thought I was going to have to leave this 75 deg. weather and come help you out. Thanks for saving me from the cold. LOVE