Monday, March 12, 2007

Why I Blog

First, off - I had my entire blog done and posted, then managed to wipe out the entire thing when I went to edit something. Grrrrr!
I have been 'meme tagged' by my friend and co-worker, Melanie. I am new at this cyber tag - so bear with me. The question posed to me is "Why do you blog?"
I began my blog in December while I was in the hospital after being diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer. Melanie suggested I start a blog as a way to pass the time and to keep people updated without repeating the story 200 times a day. It was an excellent idea and it has been a great catharsis for me. Four years ago when I went through my first bout with breast cancer I sent out an email to people periodically. The problem with that was, I was never sure if all the people receiving it were interested - and received numerous requests from people to be added to the list - so it got to be bigger than life. With my blog, if you are interested - you can read. If you aren't you can stay away. I like that aspect of it.
The blog has also been a way of tracking my progress and set backs. When I don't feel like I am making progress, a quick check of past blogs proves me wrong. It will also be a great way for me to keep track of my chemo symptoms, etc. Hopefully, it will also be a source of help and hope for others going through similar trials.
When I wake in the night, and find my heart seized with fear, I find that by 'writing' an imaginary blog helps to calm my mind and soul. Sometimes it is a rendition of God's supporting me and why I don't blame Him for my troubles. Sometimes it is philosophical thoughts that seem to flow so much better when in a partial dream state. I haven't actually blogged any of these 'writings' - but just the act soothes me.
I also find comfort in the comments from people. So humbling.
So, that is why I blog. Thank you Melanie for the wonderful idea. And, Diane M, consider yourself 'meme tagged' - "Why do you blog"?


Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad you've found it helpful to keep up with this blog, I think those who read it find it a bit addictive, to keep up with you and what you're up to. You've got your own groupies! When I'm having a bad time, I too will "write in my head". It's just a different way of thinking things through, isn't it? And you could put the fearful entries on your blog if you ever wake up with them in the morning - no one would blame you for having moments of doubt. Your commenters can help you through it! I'll talk to you later. It's a gloomy day, I can't believe that it's supposed to hit 70 today. Have a good one!

Melanie D. said...

Your new post made me think of something someone said in my Sunday School class. She considers the nights when she wakes and can't get back to sleep a sign from God that he wants to talk to her. She said she now takes those chances to pray instead of fuss about not being asleep. She just thinks of it as a good friend waking her up to chat. I thought that was a neat twist on night wakings.

Anonymous said...

Blogging is public journeling...I think that you are very brave for many reasons....but to be able to put your health issues and personal ponderings out there for "anyone" to read is a big act of courage. Writing is very carthartic, but sharing writing can be scary for some. I think that you have a book in you somewhere.

Diane Muir said...

Hah ... cool! I'm certainly glad you blog.