Saturday, March 10, 2007

Beautiful Saturday!

The weather is beautiful. To think that just over a week ago, Omaha had over 12" of snow. Today, the sun is shining, the snow is almost gone and we even have the deck door open to let in fresh air. Amazing.
Also amazing, is what a night in one's own bed will do for one's soul. Matt, Courtney and Greg were here last night, and I was still feeling groggy from my week's events. I tried to stay awake to visit, but kept waking up to my family laughing at my attempts. I finally went to bed at 10 and slept solid until 3 - then just enjoyed being in my own bed until 6:00. Heavenly!
My port will be put in on Wednesday morning and I will begin chemo on Thursday. I am happy they couldn't get me in the first few days of next week to place the port. I think a few extra days of recovery will be good for me. Perhaps the delay may make my oncologists decision easier as to whether or not to give me the second chemo drug on this first round.

Matt and Courtney are going to take me wig shopping this afternoon so I am ready when the time comes. As per my first time doing chemo four years ago, I am more of a hat girl, but it is nice to have a wig when you want to be more inconspicuous.
Tonight, Greg and his girlfriend, Jaime, will be here for supper. We plan on grilling out to take advantage of this great day. Mark will wash cars this afternoon, which is one of his favorite weekend activities, and which he hasn't been able to do for months due to the weather.
I am still pretty much a weakling - but feel so much stronger than even yesterday. It is much easier to feel optimistic when you are sitting in your comfy chair surrounded by your comfy family. Life is good.


Patty Stone said...

What a great day to be home! It sounds like your evening will be fun and maybe if you take a nap this afternoon, you can be awake for most of it. Happy wig shopping!

Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad that you are enjoying your time at home. I'm sure your home is lovely with all of the wonderful sunlight coming in. Have a great time with your family. Do all of the things you want to do for the next 3 days before chemo begins. I will be praying that you stay healthy and all goes as planned. If there's one thing you are not - it's a weakling. I think you're amazing! Please call me if there is anything at all that I can do for you!

Diane Muir said...

What a gorgeous day today! And what a beautiful day to have family around ... just hanging. Ok ... I remember one of the first times I went with Max to visit his mother. We drove straight through to central Ohio - got in about 2 am. Rose desperately wanted to chat with us - I was so pooped, I sat in the chair and nodded off while she and Max chatted away. And yup, they were laughing at me too.

Your own bed ... I think of all things in the world, that has to be the most heavenly. I've been out of mine while Max recuperated on the couch. There was no greater joy than getting him upstairs and me back sleeping like a normal person too!

I have a story about my mom's wig for her chemo treatments ... let's just say "Italian mama" and she freaked my brother out at his rehearsal dinner - first time he'd seen her in it. Quite hilarious - and she wore the turban to the wedding the next day. Really a riot {giggle}!

It's a good thing Mark doesn't have far to go to be as bald as you (oh, bad Diane! {grin}) Love you ... and I hope your week goes better than planned and as well as you hope!

Di said...

Dearest Jacque,
What a delightful Saturday you spent with your wonderful boys and fantastic husband. Can you tell I am a little prejudice?? We love you all so much.

I can't wait to see what wig you picked out. I know you talked about a short one. You are so lucky because you look cute with your hair any length. I think I gave my hats to Carolyn, now that she has hair, I bet she will gladly give them to you. Isn't sharing fun???

Rest, relax and enjoy your beautiful family (and comfy bed and chair). Hugs, di

joanie skar said...

Praise God you are home with Mark and your family. We will be storming the gates of heaven for you this week as you have your chemo treatment. God's Blessings and We love you and you know that HE does!!
Love and Prayers
Al and Joanie