Monday, March 19, 2007


Yesterday brought a new chemo side effect - neuropathy in my hands, arms, legs and feet. Neuropathy is nerve pain with numbness and sensitivity. So far the hands and arms are tolerable, but my legs and feet are problematic. Mark ran and got a pain killer prescription for me at the pharmacy, which helped me to get a little sleep last night, but ouch - it hurts! It isn't as bad today, so I am hoping yesterday was the worse and it will soon just be a memory. I also have weakness in my legs (I keep calling it noodley legs), which I also hope will be a fleeting memory in a few days.
Saturday night, as I was saying my prayers, I asked God if I could please have a good nights sleep so I could go to church in the morning. My wish was granted, so the next morning, when my back was aching and my legs were starting to sting, I felt obligated to attend church since God had upheld his end of the bargain. I am glad I went, although it was hard to stay awake and concentrate, and by the end my back was complaining royally. It was great to hear the the High School youth choir, Soul Seekers, sing as well as the Jr. High choir. By next week my blood counts will probably be lower and I am to avoid crowds, so it will be at least another week before I can go again. I am also glad I went to church, as I was going to stop at WalMart after church to get a notebook in which to keep a prayer journal, only to find out the church had cleaned it's closets and were giving away prayer journals, cookbooks, etc.. God had provided a need for me when I really didn't feel like shopping - and if you know me, I love to shop - so I was feeling punky!
Tonight is my PEO officer's dinner at Mary's, our past presidents. I am hoping my leg pain dwindles and I can attend. Diane will swing by and pick me up if I am able to go. I plan on taking a big ol' nap this afternoon and say another little prayer. Seems God is being pretty attentive, so I have high hopes of being able to go. :-)


Diane Muir said...

I was so glad to see you yesterday - and I'm so sorry that you were feeling 'punky'. I wanted to wave at you, but you were surrounded ... and there was no way I was coming near you with my cold! But, here's the hug for you {hug}. Ok ... so you're going to write in a journal as well as blog?!?! Goodness, but you are motivated to write! (hehe). Love you!

Anonymous said...


Judy and I just heard of your ordeal Sunday night from Lori Larsen. I'm sure Judy will be calling. You're in our daily prayers and let us know if there is anything at all that we can do.

Dave and Judy.