Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Hat at Mimi's

Today I had lunch with my friend Judy at MiMi's. We both had the chicken walnut salad on cinnamon bread. It was tasty! I got to see pictures of her darling grand baby. He is a charmer! As I will relate, Judy got the pleasure of looking at me in a scarf and a hat as we had lunch.
This morning my hair started to come out in clumps. Sigh. I washed it, thinking I could convince the remaining hair to stay attached with hair spray and gel - but it wanted NO part of this idea. I ran my brush through it - and immediately filled it up. I cleaned out the hair from the brush - ran it through again, and it was full again. I finally took a deep breath and grabbed the scissors, chopping it off as close as I could. I toyed with the idea of just leaving it that way for now, but , every time I ran my hand through my hair I would be showered with little tiny hairs - which would have probably driven me more crazy than the long ones that floated around me all morning. So, I got out the hair clippers and buzzed it down as close as I could go. I tried on my wig, but it was just too confining on this first day as a baldy. Instead I grabbed a scarf to add a little color and a hat that matched my outfit. When I got home from lunch I put on the hat Carolyn knit for me - which is much more comfy and warm.
Mark was home for lunch before I left to pick up Judy, so he got to see me in my hat. He gave me a hug and said 'Not quite as traumatic as the first time around'. He is right. Been here done that!


Melanie D. said...

Your strength is astonishing! I'm not so sure I still wouldn't have a pout the second time around. Thanks to God for these powerful drugs that will start that body back at one. Worth giving up the hair, I suppose. I'm so glad that you are staying healthy and strong and are able to be out enjoying the spring days at lunches with your friends. What a blessing!

Patty Stone said...

Well, I guess you knew it was coming, but still it's tough. I do remember that when it came back in last time, it was really cute! (I don't imagine that helps.} We miss you so much, but I do think we are going to get through interview conference fairly well. The kids are working hard.

Cheryl said...

Jacque, years ago when a friend of mine was battling breast cancer she decided to go "Loud & Proud" and just be bald. I have to tell you, I thought it was very attractive. You're such a pretty lady...give it a try!