Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lunch and a Meme

Today is awesome! The sun is shining - it is around 80 degrees and breezy. Just spent a little time on the deck with my mother-in-law getting a little sun and enjoying the weather.
Carol, Mark and I met Greg and the O'Connors at Granite City for lunch. It was great seeing everyone...Kaitlin is home from her spring break trip to Florida - before she has to head back to K State tomorrow morning. Courtney is nursing a sore knee that she twisted while training for a half marathon she is participating in to raise money for leukemia (she has raised $2,500!!!) - and irritated it chasing a hat through the parking lot she had brought for me to add to my 'collection' when it escaped in a wind gust. Greg - looking very castawayish with a full beard (grown on his cruise last week) and long curly hair, filled his dad in on his cruise as Mark wasn't home when Greg told me about it. The 'adults' (can I call us that now that all our kids are adults, too? Very confusing.) visited and caught up. Carol was our maid of honor in our wedding and Steve was our best man, so we all go way back.
My hair continues to hang in there although there is plenty of hair on my shirt and counter when I get done styling it. I know it will go soon, but whats the hurry?
I have been tagged again with a meme - Name 7 favorite songs. This is hard for me, which would probably surprise most people, since I love to sing solos and participate in choirs. However, I am a talk radio person, so don't spend a lot of my spare time listening to music - other than when with friends or as background when entertaining. However, I can name some - and they aren't going to be on the top 10 (or 7) of anyone's list but mine.
1. 'I Can Only Imagine' by Mercy Me - I LOVE this song - it makes me cry every time I hear it. I would love to sing it as a solo sometime - but I am not sure I would be able to do it without tears. I can't find a link for you to hear this, but, if you haven't heard it - here is the chorus...
"Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine! I can only imagine!"
2. I absolutely adore Chad Stoner. Chad is a local artist who plays a wicked tenor sax and has played with many national artists all around the country and is featured on their CD's. He could be a national act himself, but instead chooses to stay near his adorable family and minister to his 'flock'. His song, 'A House Is Not A Home' is one of my top favorites - and also makes me cry. You can hear it at By the way - Jim Mertz, this link, is also a wonderful local artist - and his music is awesome, too.
3. Kirk Whalum - 'Do You Feel Me?' I couldn't find this particular song, but you can go to his web page to read about this Godly fellow and hear his style.
4. 'Times Like These' is performed by the effortless vocals of Elaine Stoner, Chad's wife. Chad, of course, performs on this cut, too. Chad's link above takes you to this song.
5. If there are any Soul Seekers reading this that were in this choir when I was the director, you will remember my next favorite song - 'Testify to Love' by Avalon. This is such an upbeat happy song - it makes me smile to hear it. I couldn't find an Avalon version, but here is Wynonna Judd's version:
6. Anything Sarah Mclachlan - she is wonderfully talented.

7. Norah Jones' 'Come Away With Me' I find it a haunting melody. Go to, click on media, then the graphic of a record player. Scroll down the play list to find the song.
Diane M - YOU are tagged again! Name your 7 favorite songs - this will be hard for you!


Diane Muir said...

You know ... I read the comment that tagged you and I was a bit worried you would tag me. It's going to be impossible to narrow a list! But, I'll do it.

80 degrees in March ... good heavens ... this is certainly confusing my body! I figured out why I'm not sleeping ... it's too warm! (hehe) Oh well, I enjoy it while I can!

Melanie D. said...

I Can Only Imagine was played at my cousin's funeral (she was 29) and it still makes me cry when I hear it. A very touching tune, I've always liked it, but now it has special meaning to me. I think your list was good - and I'm impressed that you took some time to put in links! :-)

Joyce said...

Songs, HUMmmmm, I remember a certain bride singing a very special song, on her wedding day, to her groom. Did you forget about that. I still tell people how truly touching that was. Mark almost lost it then!!!!
My song is "Precious Lord"...has been since I was a teen.
80 here too, but that's normal. LOVE

1anonymousmom said...

thanx for posting on my blog. i like yours, too! my niece is fixing to go to Kstate in the fall. u can quote my blog any time u want.
hang in there,

Di said...

I can hear both Chad and Elaine singing those beautiful songs right now in my head!!! You picked many of my favorites as well, we always did say we have the same taste.

You looked so good on Sunday. Thanks for sharing your day with our family. The girls were both happy to get their "Jacque fix".

Hugs, Di