Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Joyful News!

My oncologist called to say that the CT Scan from this morning of my abdomen/liver showed no sign of cancer and that my bone cancer was stable! Thank you, Lord! I haven't heard any news on the lungs, so assume this will be good news, too. Tests on the heart fluid will be awhile before results are in, but my surgeon said he didn't think it looked out of the ordinary.
I am breathing even better today than I was yesterday, and was given orders to walk the halls as much as I am able. I have made a couple trips to the water cooler around the corner as well as two trips down to the patient's kitchen to get fruit from the fridge that our friends the Chickenells & Seitz's sent me in a beautiful edible bouquet.
In normal Jacque mode.... this morning I was scrubbing up at my room's bathroom sink, with my little 'comfort washes' the hospital supplies when you can't take a shower...and was looking at myself in the mirror and wondered what was wrong with me - I just didn't look right. Long story short, my saline breast implant, from reconstruction following my mastectomy, has burst (hope this doesn't make my guy family and friends too uncomfortable:-). Now, all the extra fluid I had been concerned about under my arm and stomach area made sense. I had been showing this extra fluid to every single doc, but it never dawned on me it was coming from my implant and they were all stumped, just like me. Remember last Sunday, when I wrote that I felt something that felt like a gunshot bursting from under my right breast when Dr. Thommie pushed the tube into my back? Dr. T and I decided the implant was probably already leaking (as I had shown him this fluidy area of concern before this), and when he pushed the tube in I probably jerked, causing the leak to burst out. (He didn't poke it with the tube - anatomically impossible.) So now, I have this to deal with this along with everything else. However, I am actually glad to get it out, as I have never liked it, it hurts, and was always hard as a brick bat. Dr. Edney, my plastic surgeon, stopped by as I was typing the last sentence. He said there is no hurry to get it out and that he will wait to hear from my onc, Dr. Silverberg, to decide when to do this as outpatient surgery.
Dr. Batter, the heart surgeon, said that the hole he made in my diaphragm for the fluid to drain from the heart to the belly is about the size of a half dollar. Can you imagine? I am quite sore in the sternum area, where the main incision is, but I don't think I can feel where the hole in the diaphragm is. Maybe there isn't feeling there?
I thank God for today's results and pray that His will, will be to not have cancer be part of the heart diagnosis. All in all, today was a joyful day.


Melanie D. said...

I miss you, my friend. It was nice to talk to you and I am feeling much better about mock interviews. I called Aline, who reassured me that we are on track. I sent over the things that she needed and will request the cameras from the info center tomorrow. Sorry to talk shop, but I know your mind will be eased knowing that it's taken care of. Thanks for being willing to walk me through things, even though you're off the clock. I have the best education consultant in the district! I'm smiling at your good news - what a nice change! Keep up the good work...I'll talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

What good news that you are feeling better, that the oncology's news was good, and that you have found the cause of the extra fluid under your arm, etc.! It sounds as if that can be taken care fairly easily. Just keep the great spirit, and God will help you!

Diane Muir said...

Not to giggle at you, but are you kidding me? The implant burst? Good heavens, woman ... this is insanity! And it seems just a tad bit unfair. Thank goodness for the rest of the good news. God is so good, isn't he?