Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Dance!

I am so excited! I went to my pulmonologist's this morning and my lung has healed - a lot! Before, my right lung had a dark area of fluid in the middle of my pleura with a milky film of fluid above it in most of the upper lung. Today, all that was visible was the dark area of fluid. The milky area was clear! Dr. Thommi was very happy and thinks the middle area will clear over time. Thank you, God. Thank you prayer warriors!
I tugged on my hair this morning and it seemed to still be attached. I proceeded to shower and wash my hair. I started drying my hair and long hairs started swirling around me. By the time my hair was styled I looked like I had been grooming a St. Bernard. :-) Looks like tonight will be the night to buzz my hair. Maybe I can get my friend, Carol, to help. I am SURE Mark won't mind. I am so thankful that my hair lasted through my lunch with my students. Thank you, God, for that one, too!
My Ecco Cardiogram is at 1:00. I doubt I will hear anything about it today, but if I do I will let you know the results.


Di said...

Dear Jacque,
The power of PRAYER!!! What wonderful news.

You helped me shear my head. I would be happy to do it for you. Just let me know.

Hugs, di

cko said...

Jacque -- that is AWESOME news about your lung! YEA! Looking forward to our lunch on Sunday...

See you soon -- love Court

Beth said...

Good news my friend, so will you in dance form for the prom? Love the pic of your class and I don't think you look shabby at all! We took the kids to Tap Kids today at the Orpheum and they loved it!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend with your friend.


joanie skar said...

Praise God for the good news!! Enjoy the nice weekend weather with that great man of yours!! Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Love ya and God bless, Al and Joanie

Joyce said...

Great news. I just know your Eco Card. will be good also. I had another trip to ER on Tues when I went into a-fib again. Only took three hrs and was out and to my cardiologists office. He upped my meds to 325 mg twice a day and we'll see it that works. He is spooked by my blood pressure that stays very high for so long while in afib. He will do some study on that. Other that that, I'm doing great for an old lady!!! At least that's what he said to me. Gads it's awful getting old, but better than the alternative. Hugs to you both....lots of LOVE, Too. Joyce & SAm

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacque-
Great news! I just returned from New Orleans and wanted to check in on you. God is able, Stephanie

Melanie D. said...

Tagged you for another meme. 7 songs that you've been enjoying lately.

Looking forward to hearing how your day went. Have a nice evening.